Ikhedut Portal 2024 Yojana List
As you know that various schemes are currently being launched by the Government. And these schemes start for animal husbandry, Horticulture, and Agriculture departments, etc. In such a situation, the Gujarat Government has started the ikhedut Portal 2023 2024 Yojana List ( i આઇ ખેડૂત પોર્ટલ યોજના 2023 24 યાદી) | ikhedut portal 2023 yojana list to provide more benefits to the farmers. And this portal has been started to fulfill the various need of the farmers. under which different schemes have also been included in this. And All these schemes have been started by the Gujarat Government from the farmers of Gujarat state. Under this portal, All the farmer’s will be able to submit applications easily while sitting at home. To get more information about ikhedut Portal, you have to read our article carefully.

આઇ ખેડૂત પોર્ટલ 2024 યોજના યાદી
શું તમે જાણો છો કે ગુજરાત રાજ્યના લગભગ 60% નાગરિકો પશુપાલન અને ખેતી સાથે સંકળાયેલા છે? તેથી જ ગુજરાત સરકાર અને પશુપાલન વિભાગ દ્વારા 60% નાગરિકોને તેમના કામમાં સુવિધા આપવાના પ્રયાસો કરવામાં આવી રહ્યા છે જેથી કરીને તમામ નાગરિકો તેમના કામ સરળતાથી ઘરે બેઠા ઓનલાઇન કરી શકે. તેથી જ ગુજરાત સરકારે ” આઇ ખેડૂત પોર્ટલ 2023 24 યોજના યાદી” બહાર પાડી છે. જેના માટે ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા વિવિધ યોજનાઓ અમલમાં મુકવામાં આવી રહી છે. એટલું જ નહીં ગુજરાત સરકાર ચાલુ યોજનામાં જરૂરી સુધારા કરીને પશુપાલનની દિશા સુધારવાનો પ્રયાસ કરી રહી છે.
And information related to all schemes has been started to provide all the information related to animal husbandry and agriculture in one place. Work is being done jointly by the Government of Gujarat and the Departments of Agriculture and animal husbandry.
Objective of Gujarat ikhedut Portal
The purpose of starting the Gujarat ikhedut Portal is to facilitate all the citizens of the country in their work. And this portal has been started by the state government with the objective of providing services related to animal husbandry, soil, water conservation etc, to the farmers. All information relevant to farming operations has been included on the Ikhedut Portal. And any letter citizens of Gujarat state whom wants to get benefits of any scheme all citizens can submit an application on ikhedut Portal Gujarat scheme list.
Who will get the benefit of the ikhedut Portal
- Gardner
- Fairies
- Retailers
- Fisherman
- Cattle breeder
- Farmers
- Small business
What information will be available on the Ikhedut Portal
Ikhedu Portal Gujarat has also released the correct scheme List by the department of agriculture and animal Husbandry and government of Gujarat to provide Gujarat farmers and animal husbandry their self in kvsi. Due to which not only the business of the farmers of will be facilitated. Rather, sitting at home, the benefit of all the schemes being implemented by the Government will also be received. For which the state government has started interfering with any middle man or official at one place. Along with which issues related to market price, other agriculture and animal husbandry assistance. And the following information has been given by the state government under ikhedut Portal Gujarat scheme.
Namo Tablet Yojana 2024 Gujarat
- Online Burden Registration information
- Information about government supported prices.
- Knowledge of seeds or seedlings of various crops.
- Knowledge of modern agriculture.
- Process to know the status of the scheme if applied for.
- Solution of problems related to agriculture and animal husbandry business.
- Various prices of agriculture machinery and their dealer’s contact number and details.
- Information and information related to credit institutions for farmers and herders.
- Scheme information and application process for assistance.
- Application and other related information in Kisan credit card.
- Daily prices of various Gujarat markets.
- Knowledge of different crops and their cultivation process.
- Ikhedut 2023 apps.
- Weather information.
- Market prices of agricultural crops.
- Application process for information and assistance of scheme related to small and marginal traders like hawkers, fisherman, retailers.
- Various applications.
List of Gujarat scheme
Whichever citizens of Gujarat state want to get the benefit of all these schemes. All those citizens can apply under all these schemes sitting at home. ikhedu portal Gujarat scheme list is as follows.
List of schemes related to Agriculture
- Mobile support
- Assistance to Agriculture Service/Provider Unit
- Assistance for purchase of Livestock Farm
- Assistance in purchases of goods vehicles
- Paddy transplanter
- Scheme to encourage farmers for value addition to crops
- Assistance in purchases of chaff cutter.
- Help build a warehouse.
- Help buy a solution.
- Tractor support.
- Assistance for Combined Harvester.
- Help Buying a peanut Digger
- Assistance in buying a cultivator
- Assistance in Buying Power Tiller.
- Help buy a digger
- Farm Machinery Bank Assistance up to 10 lakh
- Help in buying a thresher
- Help in buying a brush cutter
- Assistance scheme for Cultivation of Medicinal Aromatic crops
- Eco friendly light trap plan
- Scheme for oil plam plantation area
- A plan for a manufacturing unit
- Assistance in setting up a composting unit
- Assistance in setting up a composting unit
- Kachcha Mandap tomato/chilli and other vegetables bars scheme.
- Cold storage (construction, Expansion & Modernization).
- Help Buying smart hand tools kit.
- Help build a boring fence around the farm.
- Plantain (TSU) support Scheme.
- Planting material assistance to increase cashew planting area.
- Assistance scheme for promotion of cold chain.
- Solar light mesh support.
- Help build water tanks.
- Assistance scheme for other aromatic crops.
- There is a plan to make vegetable paddles of semi ripe pavilion vine.
- Restoration / Renaissance of old Gardens with canopy Management.
- Assistance to Exporters for irradiation process for horticulture crops.
- Papaya crops cultivation scheme.
- Assistance scheme for import of planting material.
- Support for intensively grown fruit crops.
- Pineapple (TSU) scheme.
- Greenhouse and tissue laboratory. Power rate assistance.
- Nethouse support for cylindrical structures.
- Help build the nursery.
- Establishment of a plant Health clinic.
- Assistance scheme for import of planting material.
- Support in fertile planting material.
- Support in water soluble fertilizers in horticulture crops.
- Assistance for purchase of sowing, planting, harvesting and digging equipment.
- Support scheme for strawberry crops.
- Assistance on purchase of powered gardening machinery.
- Assistance on purchase of hybrid seeds of fruit/ vegetables crops.
- Assistance for establishment of biocontrol laboratories.
- Beekeeping scheme.
- Walk in the tunnel plan.
- Assistance scheme in sargawa farming.
- Assistance for Cultivation of hybrid watermelon and sweet potato.
List of schemes related to animal Husbandry
- Loan assistance scheme for purchase of cows.
- Accident animal assistance scheme.
- Assistance scheme for construction of cattle shed.
- Goat unit assistance scheme.
- Desi cow assistance scheme.
- Assistance scheme for setting up farmers for dairy cattle.
- 12% interest subsidy to scheduled caste herdsmen
- Cattle mining scheme
- Support scheme for stables
- Calf birth assistance scheme.
- Kisan credit card scheme
- Poultry unit assistance scheme
- Assistance on purchase of food grains after abandonment of (cow/buffalo).
Benefits of ikhedut Portal
- Through ikhedut Portal, information related to many schemes started by the state government will be received by all the farmers and animal farmers of Gujarat state.
- And to get information related to any scheme, the citizens will not need to go to any work or website.
- There is no expenditure of any kind by the beneficiary person on this portal, no fee has been fixed by the Government of Gujarat for using this portal.
- With this, all the farmers will be able to easily get the information of all the schemes through the Ikhedut Portal Gujarat 2024 scheme list.
- Farmers cannot send their land on this portal, still they can verify the available market price of the crops.
- You can also check the weather through this portal. And not only this but also all interested citizens can post all their concerns and problems.
Eligibility of ikhedut Portal Gujarat
- To take advantage of the Ikhedut Portal, the farmers most be a resident of the Gujarat state.
- The application form has to be filled by the farmer himself.
- Applicants should have own bank account.
Gujarat ikhedut Portal Documents
- Bank account details
- Disability certificate in case the application is disabled
- Ration card
- Mobile Number
- Aadhar card
- Caste Certificate
- Consent form of other tenants in case of joint tenants.
Apply online under ikhedut Portal Gujarat scheme
- First of all you have to go to the Official website ikhedut Portal Gujarat.
- Now the home page will open in front of you.

- On this home page, you have to click on the option of applying for various schemes for the section of the link.
- Now the next page will open in front of, you here you have to choose the scheme under which you want to apply.
- After this you have to click on the option “click here for details” from the details section of that scheme.
- If you are a registered applicant of ikhedut Portal then select “Yes” and if not then select “No” and click on the option “ click to proceed”.
- Now you have to click on the option of click to apply new, here you have to enter the details of the information asked like- “applicant details” “Bank Details”, “Land details,” and ”Ration card details” by entering captcha code etc, have to give.
- After this you have to click on the option of save application, now you have to enter the application number. Further, if you wish to make any corrections after serving the application, you can update the details of the application by clicking on the option of “click to update application”
- Now filling all the information correctly, click on the option of “click to conform the application” now you have to enter the application number, or land account number and click on the search option.
- After this you have to click on the conform option, and after confirmation of the application, print the application or save it in a PDF file, thus the application process will be completed.
How to check application status under ikhedut Portal Gujarat scheme
- First of all you have to go to the official website of ikhedut Portal, after that the home page of the website will open in front of you.
- On the home page of the website, you have to click on the option of click here to check application status/ take reprint
- Now the next page will open in front of you, here you have to choose the type of application, how you would like to see the status of the application etc.
- After this a new page will be displayed in front of you, if you have selected the application number, then you have to enter the application number, captcha code and last 4 digits of Aadhar card etc.
- Now you have to click on the option of check application status, apart from this, if you have to enter the receipt number and captcha code.
- Then you have to click on the option to check the application status will be displayed in front of you on the next page.