Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2024
If you are also a resident of Telangana state and are worried about your daughter’s marriage, then we want to tell you in detail about Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2024 , while relieving you from this worry, so that you can get the benefit of this scheme. So that you can marry your daughters with pomp.
The Government of Telangana has launched Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2024 at the state level for the social and economic development of the daughters of all the socially and economically backward classes of the state, whose fundamental goal is not only all the daughters who are below the poverty line of the state. 1,00,116 for their marriage but at the same time to lay the foundation for their bright future so that all our daughters can live a happy life.
In this way, we will provide you complete information about this scheme in this article so that all of you can apply for this scheme and get the full benefits of this scheme.
Short Overview
योजना का नाम | Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2024 |
योजना का अन्य नाम | शादी मुबारक हो ( केवल मुस्लिम समुदाय हेतु ) |
राज्य | तेलंगाना |
उद्धेश्य | राज्य की सभी बेटियो की धूम – धामपूर्ण शादी हेतु आर्थिक सहायता प्रदान करना। |
लाभ | गरीब परिवार की बेटियो का सामाजिक व आर्थिक विकास हो उनके नये खुशहाल जीवन की शुरुआत होगी। |
कितने रुपयो की आर्थिक सहायता मिलेगी? | 1,00,116 रुपयो की |
आवेदन का माध्यम | ऑनलाइन |
आधिकरीक वेबसाइट | यहां पर क्लिक करें |
What is the goal?
The Government of Telangana has launched Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2022 at the state level for the social and economic development of the daughters of all the socially and economically backward classes of the state, whose fundamental goal is not only all the daughters who are below the poverty line of the state. 1,00,116 for their marriage but at the same time to lay the foundation for their bright future so that all our daughters can live a happy life.
What are the benefits and features?
- To marry the daughters of all the socially and economically weaker families of the state with pomp,
- Under Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2024, a total financial assistance of Rs 1,00,116 will be provided to all the beneficiary families.
- With the help of this scheme, the bright future of their daughters will be created while doing social and economic development of all the people living below the poverty line of the state.
- The parents will be freed from the debts incurred during the marriage of the daughter and
- New homes of all the daughters of the state – a happy and positive foundation of the world will be laid etc.
What should be the qualification?
- Applicant girl child must be 18 years old,
- Applicant girl should be a native of Telangana state,
- The girl’s family comes below the poverty line,
- The annual income of the father of the applicant girl should be less than Rs 2 lakh and
- The annual income of the father of the girls coming from rural areas of Telangana state should be less than Rs 5 lakh etc.
what documents will be needed
- Aadhar card,
- Birth certificate,
- Caste certificate issued by MRO officer
- Aadhar card of bride and groom,
- marriage certification certificate,
- Income certificate of father of bride for last 6 months
- Scanned bank passbook photocopy,
- current mobile number and
- Passport size photograph etc.
Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2024 – ऑनलाइन आवेदन कैसे करें
- To apply online in Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2024 , first of all you parents and girls have to come to the home page of its official website.
- After coming to the home page, you will get the option of registration, on which you have to click,
- After clicking, its registration form will open in front of you which you have to fill carefully and get its registration number by clicking on the option of submit.
- Now you have to login to the portal,
- In the portal, after login, you have to click on the option of Kalyan Laxmi Yojana,
- After clicking, its application form will open in front of you which you have to fill carefully,
- All the requested documents will have to be scanned and uploaded and
- At last, you have to click on the submit option and get the print-out of its receipt etc.
ऑनलाइन आवेदन का स्टेट्स कैसे देखें?
- First of all you have to come to the home page of its official website.
- After coming to the home page, you will get the tab of Kalyan Laxmi Yojana,
- Now here you will get the option of Print / Status on which you have to click,
- After clicking, a new page will open in front of you where you will have to enter your application number and
- At last, you have to click on submit option after which you will be shown the status of your application etc.
How to Edit Application Form Online
- First of all you have to come to the home page of its official website.
- After coming to the home page, you will get the option of Kalyan Lakshmi, on which you have to click,
- After clicking, a new page will open in front of you where you will get the option of Edit / Upload, on which you will have to click and
- At last, your application form will open which you can admit as per your convenience.
तेलंगाना राज्य की अपनी बालिकाओं को हमने इस आर्टिकल मे, ना केवल Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam 2024 के बारे मे बताया बल्कि हमने आपको पूरी आवेदन प्रक्रिया व आवेदन का स्टेट्स चेक करने की प्रक्रिया के बारे मे बताया ताकि आप सभी इस योजना का पूरा – पूरा लाभ प्राप्त कर सके और अपने उज्जवल भविष्य का निर्माण कर सकें क्योंकि यही इस आर्टिकल का मौलिक लक्ष्य हैं।